Event Info

Why Invest

Corporate Retail


To streamline our report offering, we have consolidated the following reports into what is now known as the Business Overview Report:

  • Financial Performance
  • Store Footprint
  • Organisational Structure
  • Key Milestones



Woolworths is charging ahead into the next chapter of its journey – “optimise, invest, and grow” – building on the solid foundation of its transformative efforts to fix, strengthen, and reposition the business after a challenging few years. At the heart of its strategy lies an unwavering commitment to delivering a winning formula of balancing customer value proposition with shareholder returns... 

Business Overview

Woolworths Holdings Ltd (WHL) is a South African-based retail group with two key operating divisions: Woolworths South Africa (WSA), serving sub-Saharan Africa, and the Country Road Group (CRG), headquartered in Australia and operating in Australia, ...

Roy Bagattini CEO of Woolworths Holdings Limited Read more

Org Structure

Woolworths Trade Profiles

The following report sets are designed to provide you with the foundational knowledge and status quo information you need to trade and engage with the Woolworths business.

Woolworths Retailer Snapshots

Woolworths Executive Summary Report

The following report sets are designed to provide C-suite decision-makers and functional teams with a strategic overview of the Woolworths business, needed to inform your annual business plans, and in so doing, cement your trading partnership with Woolworths.

Strategy & Supplier Opportunity Analysis