International Retailers All the tea in Carrefour
To Shanghai, China, where we do not often go, and where Carrefour is trialling a community-style fresh produce store to capture a greater share of that growing but challenging market. The store, Easy Carrefour, as it’s known, is 430m2 format selling fresh fruit and vegetables, meat, eggs, fish and shrimp, rice, noodles, grains, oils, and beverages, across 3,000 SKUs popular in the residential area in which it is located. In the US, in the meantime, where Amazon Prime Day is threatening to overtake Black Friday as the annual bacchanalia of buying, Walmart and Target are ramping up their curb side pickup services in response, each having launched their own version of the vulgar event – Walmart with its “Big Save Event” and Target with its “Deal Days”.
Comment: Footprint is the one advantage these businesses have over Amazon, and they are deploying it tactically.