Retailers It’s the little things that matter
It’s no secret that in the race for the hearts, minds and of course rands of the South African Consumer, South Africa’s major retailers, are battling to differentiate themselves from each other on any of the usual P’s – product, price, place and so forth. Enter a 6th, 7th or 8th P, depending on whose list of P’s you consult: Playthings. Hot on the launch of Checkers Little Shop collection, which sees children and adults alike instagramming themselves in Brobdingnagian contrast with the miniature groceries, Pick n Pay have announced the launch of Super Animals, a range of cards which have an augmented reality function when paired with smart devices, and SPAR are running their Angry Birds collection of 3D cards, all available with purchases over R150. Such campaigns, according to experts, are a big investment, intensively strategized and often brought in from overseas markets where they have been thoroughly tested.
Comment: Now, with the addition of social media, they repay this investment not just in nagging kids and footfall, but in rich, delicious data.