Woolworths Because we’re Happpeeee … oh, shut up.
SA’s most dapper retailer, you will recall, struck up sometime last year a relationship, or indeed a transaction, with The Voice’s most dapper judge, and it was a match made in loyalty heaven. Woolies WRewards “Are you with us?” campaign, fronted by coolest person in the history of the world, ever, Pharrell Williams has just been awarded Best Loyalty Programme Marketing Campaign of the Year at the 2016 International Loyalty Magazine Awards. The campaign enticed customers to join Woolworths sustainability journey and “make sustainability cool” for the next generation of South Africans, raising R400k for the Red Cross Children’s Hospital along the way and established the “R100 Million for Education” drive, together with MySchool MyVillage MyPlanet.
Comment: Nice one, Woolies, especially since it was all conceived and conducted in-house.