BAT Where there’s smoke… oh, shut up.
Over in the UK, British American Tobacco are in a spot of bother above and beyond the usual, which comes from bringing to market a product which is fast becoming illegal. Turns out they have a whistle-blower on their hands, one Paul “The Fixer” Hopkins, who ran security in Africa, and who is brandishing a sheaf of documents which, he claims, conclusively prove corruption at the tobacco giant. BAT, he says, paid monies to employees at rival Mastermind in order to get a look at the minutes of the marketing meetings just “12 or 14 hours” after they had happened, or before the marketing team had even got back from lunch. “My job,” says The Fixer, “was to ensure that the competition never got any breathing space.”
Comment: We are shocked – shocked! – at this evidence of dodgy dealings in the tobacco industry.