Pick n Pay That’s like 37 labradors on the loyalty scale
Pick n Pay’s Smart Shopper programme now boasts over Eight Million Members. Say it. Eight meeeellion members. That’s about 3.7million more members than Clicks’s venerable and pioneering ClubCard programme, and approximately eight million more than Shoprite’s own… oh, hang about…Shoprite don’t… oh. According to The Big Blue itself, 65% of Pick n Pay sales and 43% of baskets come through the programme, which has rewarded shoppers with over R1billion back in points since its launch in March 2011. In the 2014 FY, Smart Shopper accounted for a 3.3% uptick in sales, arresting Pick n Pay’s decline in market share, and adding 25,000 punters to its ranks every week. The big benefit of such programmes is shopper data, which helps retailers optimise their stock levels, which, you may recall, was a challenge for PnP in the bad old days before Longmeadow.
Comment: The advent of Smart Shopper may be remembered as the lynchpin of Pick n Pay’s long turnaround when the annals are written.