Nestlé Fifty Shades of Brown
“Premium chocolate is my small intimate frustration,” remarked no less a personage than Nestlé CE Mr Paul Bulcke last week, to no doubt startled shareholders. He was in his disarming fashion bemoaning Nestlé’s lack of penetration, shall we say, into the lucrative high-end chocolate market. You see while the sales of packaged goods have been sluggish since the Great Decession, goods which must regrettably be described as artisanal, natural, organic or in some other way exclusive have been positively leaping off the shelves. And Nestlé wants some of that sweet, sweet action, but isn’t getting any, as they’ve managed to do in coffee (to a point) with Nespresso. This has led some wily commentators to speculate on some sort of acquisition in the near future – a Lindt & Sprüngli, say, or a Ferrero.
Comment: While that 200g slab of Nestlé dark might have been enough to impress your girlfriend back in second year, today’s discerning millennials are wanting something a little cleverer and less edible.