NCR How does this thing work … Kerching!
OK, technically this is a Walmart story. Unless you happen to own shares in NCR, the cash register gang… wait that didn’t come out right. Anyway, thing is, Walmart have decided to go all out on self checkout, and will be installing 10,000 SelfServ Checkout lanes to more than 1,200 Walmart stores across the US in 2013. Walmart’s goal is to provide customers “with the quick, easy and convenient checkout experience they tell us they want.” NCR’s goal is to help, and this they achieve through their providing expertise from its Human Factors Engineering group to make the self-checkout experience as easy and convenient as possible through user interface design, configurations, layouts and best practices. There is also, needless to say, a fat service and maintenance contract for NCR in the deal. The research has backed up this move by The Big Feller – 70% of all consumers questioned said they’d like to see the option at Walmart and other major retailers.
Comment: Self-checkout, for which the technology has existed forever, is coming of age. It will be interesting to see who goes first in these parts, and our money is on Makro.