Event Info

Why Invest

Winning with Customer-Centric Strategies and Propositions in the Independent Trade


  • To become more customer centric through improved understanding of the independent trade context, the trader and the informal shopper ​
  • Gain the knowledge and skills to build customer-centric strategies and propositions for the independent trade​
  • Evaluate ROI of initiatives in the independent trade​


  • Customer & Channel (Commercial), Category, Brand and Trade Marketing Teams


  • Build propositions based on trader needs 
  • Customise sales support tools for independent trade​
  • Use the customer’s language in propositions
  • Converting features into benefits for the trader
  • Distinguish between shopper and trader needs
  • Use basic trade maths to calculate profitability of propositions


  • 2 full days at your premises
    Optional trade visit
  • Specialist facilitators
  • 12 people per group



DAY 1: 

The Fundamentals of Customer Centricity
The Independent Trade

  • Dynamics and Trends in the Trade
  • Understanding the Customer
  • Understanding the Shopper
  • Retailer Needs: Features vs Benefits

* Trade visit is facilitated by a specialist agency at an additional cost. Alternatively, use your own activations team to do the trade visit.

DAY 2: 

Trade Visit* (Optional add-on)​

  • Immersion into independent trade, observing trading context, wholesale, traders and shoppers 
  • Download of insights to workshop customer centric trade propositions

Commercial Capability

  • Customer Profitability Calculations
  • The Impact of Price

Customer Centric Commercial Selling Propositions


I now know how to provide the sales team with a Trade Presenter that speaks in Customer’s Language using customer terms and meeting their performance levels. 

– Trade Marketing Manager

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Interested? Or have a question? Leave your details and we will contact you.